Hold our elected officials accountable to working families

You and your family deserve to be safe and Alaska students deserve reasonable class sizes so that they can get the 1-on-1 attention that they deserve to grow and succeed. Alaska is facing a public recruitment retention crisis for public employees: state troopers, teachers, fire fighters, plow truck drivers and more. Most Alaska state agencies have over 20% vacancy rates and classrooms across Alaska are empty this school year. 

Unfortunately, certain politicians are refusing to let Alaskans have a debate about our public service retirement system. Every single other state operates at least ONE pension retirement system for their employees.

  • Employee groups and legislators in Alaska have worked together, and across the aisle to develop a modest proposal to restore a pension for public service. 

  • The Alaska pension proposal is designed to acknowledge concerns and incorporate policy best practices from states with well funded pension systems. The Alaska pension proposal is estimate to only cost AT MOST $10-$20 million year, and save AT LEAST $76 million year. 

Unfortunately, certain politicians refused to even have a second hearing, or do a financial analysis of a bill that passed the Alaska State Senate and was sponsored by the Republican Majority Leader, Senator Cathy Giessel. 

Alaska’s working families deserve a retirement that they can count on. Add your name to tell Alaska’s leaders they are accountable for the success of our students, and for our public safety.