Hold Governor Dunleavy and state lawmakers accountable

The 907 Initiative is an Alaska-based government watchdog organization that works to increase public transparency for federal, state, and local government in Alaska. This petition is to call on Alaska lawmakers, including Governor Dunleavy, to stop blocking much needed funding for Alaska’s public schools that have been crippled by inflation. 

In March, the Governor vetoed a bipartisan bill to increase the base student allocation to keep up with inflation. More recently, the Governor vetoed an additional $5.2 million funding boost for young students in low-income schools and $2.6 million for Head Start. He also vetoed $11.9 million the Legislature had set aside to settle a dispute with the U.S. Department of Education over the distribution of pandemic-era school funding. The funding was planned to be split between the Anchorage and Kenai Peninsula Borough school districts. Finally the Governor vetoed a $20 million request aimed at making UAF a Tier 1 research institution. 

If you share our concerns, please sign this petition asking the Governor to reverse his ongoing cuts to public education funding. 

Strong public education is critical to our children’s future and the backbone of our economy. Thank you for your support in holding our elected leaders accountable and making our community stronger